I am happy to present to you this Parent Resource Guide which is packed with useful information about our school and the surrounding community. The logic of this resource guide can be found in the phrase, “it takes a village to raise a child”. It is with the support of the community, school and the home that we are able to fully educate our children. To increase the opportunities of improving the lives of our students, the lines of communication between the school and the home must be an ongoing conversation that lasts for years.
The first portion of this guide is on general school policies and procedures. It highlights the expected courses and Regents exam completion for each year your child attends PATHS.  It also references how to read our school report card and transcript. There are some helpful tips on what your child needs for college readiness. The second half of the guide contains information on family resources that can be obtained in our neighborhood. It also lists all of the community services, medical and mental health institutions in, the surrounding area.
I find this guide to be of great help and assistance to all parents of students from all grade levels. I encourage you to use this guide to better understand our school policies and the services that are based within our community. We welcome your inquiries and calls on any concerns or issues that you or your child may have about their education or social and emotional growth.


Cristina Gambino, Principal

Performing Arts & Technology High School

You should expect your child to be given assignments on a regular basis. Even though your child is in high school, you need to be clear about what your expectations are for homework and studying. The following should help you help your child

  • Assist your child with establishing a routine.
  • Ask your child about his/her homework assignments on a daily basis.
  • Remind your child to bring home the necessary books and materials so that homework assignments can be completed.
  • Emphasize that your child should ask questions if something is unclear to him/her regarding the homework assignment.
  • Differentiate between daily homework assignments and long term projects or papers. For long term projects or papers, discuss the timeline with your child – when the project is due and what has to be completed.
  • Don’t let it slip – ask periodically about the progress.
  • Reinforce that your child’s work must always be his/her own work – plagiarism is prohibited by the discipline code.
  • Emphasize the idea for your child that by completing all assigned tasks such as homework assignments, book reports and science projects by the designated date, he/she demonstrates commitment and a high level of responsibility.
  • Determine if your child is having trouble with his/her class work and/or homework. lf you feel that your child might be having trouble with class work and/or homework, it is important to encourage him/her to reach out to the teacher for help or to his/her guidance counselor regarding any tutorial opportunities available in the school. Parents need to learn about the school-based opportunities available for tutorial or extra support. Encourage your child to start a collection of “Student Accomplishments.” This will help him/her prepare for post-secondary opportunities. When the time comes to fill out applications, this collection will be a helpful point of reference. Some of the items your child might want to keep in this collection are:
  • Academic reports and projects; past report cards
  • Programs, playbills of recitals, performances, concerts, art portfolios, etc.
  • Performing Arts & Technology HS has a report card cycle with three marking periods each semester. A student receives a report card at the end of each marking period. Request PATHS school calendar or log on to to view the school calendar to better anticipate when report cards will be made available
  • The report card provides information on the student’s ongoing progress in his/her classes, shows the student’s grades for each of the marking periods in a semester, notes any final examinations and Regents examinations that are completed and may include comments from the teachers.
  • The report card also shows how many times a student is absent or late during each marking period, as well as the number of times a student is absent for a particular class. It is important to note any attendance habits that your child may demonstrate with regards to a particular class.
  • You should consult your child’s guidance counselor if you have any questions regarding your child’s report card.
  • Each term in high school counts and is recorded on a student’s transcript, which is a student’s permanent record.
  • The transcript will list every final grade, the number of credits earned as a result of satisfactorily completing a course and the cumulative number of credits within a subject earned over an academic year. Every course is identified and the grade for that course is recorded. In addition, the course designation is listed – which indicates whether it is honors, advanced placement, etc.
  • Note that Physical Education courses typically list 0.60 as their credit value. Standard courses generally list a credit value of 1.00 and courses that meet more than one period in a day may have a credit value greater than 1.00.
  • You should save every report card to cross-check with the grades on the transcript.
  • Meet with your child’s guidance counselor each year to review your child’s transcript.

In order for students to earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, they must accumulate all course credits required for a standard Regents Diploma. In addition, they must accumulate six credits (rather than the usual two) in a language other than English and pass a Regents examination in that same language. They are also required to accumulate only three elective credits (rather than the usual six). Students completing an approved 10 credit sequence in the Arts must pass all Math Regents, 2 Science Regents, and the LOTE.

Career and Technical Education are only required to complete 2 credits of a second language and are not required to take a Regents examination in a language other than English in order to receive a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. All students must still meet the requirements for the total number of credits (44). You should consult your child’s guidance counselor to discuss your child’s ongoing credit accumulation and his/her diploma path.

The law states that the majority of students who receive special education services should be prepared to earn regular high school diplomas. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) diploma option is also available to some students. An IEP diploma certifies that a student attended school and completed IEP goals. You should consult your child’s guidance counselor to discuss your child’s diploma path with regard to his/her special education needs.

In addition to attending meetings with your child’s guidance counselor, there are many ways that you can become more involved in PATHS:

  • Parent Teacher Conferences take place in the Fall and in the Spring and provide an opportunity to meet with teachers and to learn more about your child’s high school experience. Conferences are scheduled during one evening and one afternoon and will usually coincide with when report cards are handed out.
  • You may also choose to become involved in the Parent Association/Parent Teacher Association (PA/PTA) or the School Leadership Team (SLT).
  • PATHS offer additional workshops for parents on Saturdays.

There are many other ways for you to get involved in parent organizations, just ask the Parent Coordinator at PATHS, contact the Office for Family Engagement and Advocacy or call 311 for additional information on how you can become involved.

Below are some Internet resources many parents have found helpful that you may want to consult:




As part of our continued efforts to raise standards at Performing Arts and Technology High School, I am writing to thank you for your strong support in helping to implement our uniform policy. Our school staff believes that when students wear uniforms, there is an increased sense of community and pride in our school. This Uniform Policy will contribute to the health and safety of our students and to the development of a productive learning environment.Our Uniforms Will Consist of Dark Grey Polo’s with the PATHS logo and Black Dockers.

Polo Shirts, Sweatshirts, Ladies Shirts, and Zipper Hoodies can be purchased at school in Ms. Cirino’s office (room 236). Purchases must be paid by Money Orders Only. All shirts will have the PATHS logo on them; plain grey shirts or sweatshirts will NOT be accepted.

Polo Shirts- $10 add $2 for XXL and $3 for XXXL

Sweatshirts- $10 add $2 for XXL and $3 for XXXL

Ladies’ Shirts -$10 add $2 for XXL and $3 for XXXL

Zipper Hoodies- $ 25 add $3 for XXL and $5 for XXXL

*Any black pants are acceptable, as long as they are appropriate for school.

The following acts are examples of unacceptable behavior and are subject to disciplinary action:

  • Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
  • Littering the campus.
  • Showing disrespect for school property and equipment or causing damage to school property and equipment. Parents/Guardians may be held responsible for the willful destruction of property by their children.
  • Creating a disturbance or making excessive noise on school premises.
  • Forging or altering school or student forms, records, and/or documents.

The same standards of conduct which are in effect at the school shall prevail while the pupils are:

  • On a school bus or vehicle operated by school personnel.
  • While going to, coming from, or attending any school sponsored activity or representing the school. PARENT REGISTRATION

We hope that by enabling you to see this information on a daily basis, we will be able to work together to ensure that our children remain on track in every class. As we work together we will ensure that our students get the most out of their education. To sign into Jump Rope go to and choose Sign Up then complete the following:

Jump Rope allows you to view:


Your child’s assignments and projects along with dates when they are due.

Your child’s performance in each class including homework, class work, tests.

Progress reports from teachers throughout the school year.

Handouts and assignments when your child is absent from school.

Your child’s transcripts and graduation eligibility status.

School announcements, new calendar listings and upcoming events.





SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 – Breakfast with the Principal

SEPTEMBER 18, 2024 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)


OCTOBER 16, 2024 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

NOVEMBER 14, 2024 – Breakfast with the Principal

NOVEMBER 16, 2024 – 10:00 AM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

DECEMBER 18, 2024 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

JANUARY 15, 2025 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

FEBRUARY 11, 2025 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

MARCH 12, 2025 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

APRIL 9, 2024 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

MAY 14, 2025 – 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

JUNE 4, 2025 5:00 PM (PTA), 6:00 PM (SLT)

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